ESPript  3.0

October 1st, 2024: we are pleased to announce the release of our new webservice: FoldScript

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What is ESPript?
  • ESPript, 'Easy Sequencing in PostScript', is a program that renders sequence similarity and secondary structure information from aligned sequences for analysis and publication purpose.

ESPript figure
Excerpt from a generated ESPript figure (full size in PDF)

  • Key features:

    • ESPript is a utility, whose output is a PostScript / PDF / PNG or TIFF file of aligned sequences with graphical enhancements.
    • Its main input is a file of pre-aligned sequences in Clustal, FASTA, MultAlin, NPS@ or ProDom format.
    • The program calculates a similarity score for each residue of the aligned sequences.
    • Secondary structure elements can be added to the multiple sequence alignment using PDB, CIF or DSSP files.

  • A typical ESPript figure shows:

    • aligned sequences,
    • similarities,
    • consensus,
    • accessibility,
    • hydropathy,
    • secondary structure elements,
    • intermolecular contacts,
    • user-supplied markers.

  • Biotool Web servers interfaced with ESPript:

    • ENDscript:
    • ENDscript is a friendly Web server that automatically extracts and displays a comprehensive analysis of primary to quaternary protein structure information. Several ENDscript representations are produced with ESPript.

    • T-Coffee:
    • T-Coffee is a collection of tools for caclulating, evaluating and manipulating multiple alignments of DNA, RNA and protein sequences and structures.

    • NPS@:
    • NPS@ is an interactive Web server dedicated to protein sequence analysis. NPS@ can perform multiple sequence alignments using ClustalW or MultAlin, and the resulting output can be displayed using ESPript.

    • MultAlin:
    • MultAlin is a program for multiple sequence alignment with hierarchical clustering. Resulting alignments can be rendered with ESPript.

Google Scholar citations: ESPript 1 / ESPript 2 / ESPript 3

Terms of use
  • ESPript 3.x is developed and maintained by Patrice GOUET and Xavier ROBERT in the "Retroviruses and Structural Biochemistry" research team of the "Molecular Microbiology and Structural Biochemistry" laboratory (UMR5086 CNRS / University Lyon 1). ESPript 3 is a major upgrade of ESPript 2.x, which was created by Patrice GOUET and Emmanuel COURCELLE.
  • ESPript is provided as a service to the scientific community and can be used free of charge for research and educational purposes without restriction.
  • When publishing data resulting from the use of ESPript, please use the following citation:
    • Robert, X. and Gouet, P. (2014) "Deciphering key features in protein structures with the new ENDscript server". Nucl. Acids Res. 42(W1), W320-W324 - doi: 10.1093/nar/gku316 (freely accessible online).
  • Do not hesitate to contact us ( if you need any further information or if you need some help with ENDscript.
  • The authors make no warranties regarding the correctness of the data. Their responsibility is limited to applying best efforts in providing the most reliable and accurate service. The authors are not responsible for the use of the results, data or information obtained from this server. This Web server is hosted on the CNRS network and governed by French law. By accessing this website or using all or part of its functions, users formally accept the application of French law. This website does not use tracking cookies or cookies that collect personal data for marketing or analytical purposes (see our 'Cookie Policy'). This website uses an encrypted connection (HTTPS). The IP address of the client computer and the date and time of the connection are processed for usage statistics. No other data is collected and no data is transferred to third party partners or sites.

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ESPript is an SBGrid supported application

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