- ESPript, 'Easy Sequencing in PostScript', is a program which renders sequence similarities and secondary structure information from aligned sequences for analysis and publication purpose.
- Key features:
- ESPript is a utility, whose output is a PostScript / PDF / PNG or TIFF file of aligned sequences with graphical enhancements.
- Its main input is a file of pre-aligned sequences in Clustal, FASTA, MultAlin, NPS@ or ProDom format.
- The program calculates a similarity score for each residue of the aligned sequences.
- Optional files allow further rendering.
- A typical ESPript figure shows:
- aligned sequences,
- similarities,
- consensus,
- accessibility,
- hydropathy,
- secondary structures elements,
- intermolecular contacts,
- user-supplied markers.
- Biotool Web servers interfaced with ESPript:
- ENDscript:
- ENDscript is a friendly Web server, which extracts and renders a comprehensive analysis of primary to quaternary protein structure information in an automated way. Several ENDscript representations are produced with ESPript.
- ARDOCK is a Web server for the study of protein surfaces. Arbitrary docking can reveal potential interaction sites on the surface of a protein using docking with a set of 25 random protein "probes".
- T-Coffee:
- T-Coffee is a collection of tools for computing, evaluating and manipulating multiple alignments of DNA, RNA, protein sequences and structures.
- NPS@:
- NPS@ is an interactive Web server dedicated to protein sequence analysis. NPS@ can carry out multiple sequence alignments with ClustalW or MultAlin and resulting outputs can be rendered with ESPript.
- MultAlin:
- MultAlin is a multiple sequence alignment program with hierarchical clustering. Resulting alignments can be rendered with ESPript.
- ProDom:
- ProDom is a protein domain family database constructed automatically by clustering homologous segments. ESPript is used to print high-quality representations of domain families.